Friday, March 22, 2013

Welcome to BIG BROTHER 1


Hello Houseguests and welcome to the Big Brother House... I hope that this will be a fun competition!! There are few things that I need to lay out such as rules: 

This is a crucial site to the game. Everything that is happening in the game, will be posted on this site from who wins the HoH, PoV and who has been nominated as well as who has been evicted. You do not need to join blogger, in order to see the posts. If you have a membership, or wish to join, be sure to follow this!! 

Most important, you must check this site DAILY for any updates, especially competitions. I will post the rules to all competitions here with a deadline as to when the competition will end, however, you will e-mail me (Big Brother) your completed tasks and I will then post the winners on this site. 

For Example: I will post something to the effect of: 

First person to send me a picture of an elephant (per time stamp in e-mail) will be the first HoH - THIS IS NOT THE COMPETITION! 

If you have any questions, please ask and any questions with the answers will be posted on here, so that all can see what was asked and the answer in case there are any problems. 

The e-mail address you will need to use for ALL submissions (i.e. HoH/PoV competition tasks, the votes for eviction, and the HoH/PoV holder, will e-mail me (with a deadline) who they nominate or choose to use the PoV on, if anyone) The e-mail is:

If you are interested in participating, please e-mail me for the questionnaire (bio). You will need that submitted as well as your houseguest name (does not need to be your real name, can be a nickname, pet name, etc...) and a picture you wish to use to resemble you in the house. Again, this does not have to be an actual picture of you, but so that you know if you see that pic on here, that it means you. I will save all pictures to my computer, and post the pictures of those nominated, PoV winner, HoH winner, etc.. 

I hope you find this interesting and will at least give it a chance!!